About us

The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Local Nature Partnership (LNP) was established in 2012 and is one of 48 strategic local nature partnerships formed in England following publication of the 2011 Natural Environment White Paper.

The partners agree to support the aims of the LNP as below:

  • Protect and improve the natural environment on land and at sea – creating bigger, better and more joined up places for nature – in line with the vision and recommendations of Sir John Lawton’s Making Space for Nature report.
  • Promote a sustainable green economy – in which economic prosperity and the health of our natural resources sustain each other.
  • Reconnect people and nature – strengthening the connections between people and nature and improving the health of both.
  • Promote the need to invest in nature for the many benefits and ecosystem services it provides and to put its value at the heart of decision making right across the two counties.

Through working together, the partnership promotes the following broad outcomes:

  • Increased delivery of landscape-scale working across the two counties to contribute to a “better, bigger and more joined” natural environment for the benefit of wildlife, communities and the local economy.
  • Improved conversations and connections between existing groups, allowing them to consolidate and evolve their work and make the links with wider environmental and socio-economic matters.
  • Positive engagement across different sectors including the environmental sector, the health sector, the farming sector, those providing outdoor education, the heritage sector and local communities.
  • Cross-boundary working, efficiency and value for money in a time when resources are scarce.
  • Where appropriate, a partnership approach to funding bids, projects and programmes to add capacity to organisations and to support integrated delivery of agreed priorities.
  • A forum for representing multiple partners as a single voice (where required) on natural environmental issues, and a route for engaging with national bodies.

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